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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/05/23 The Cost of Discipleship Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 230305-1.mp3
02/26/23 The Way in Proverbs Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 230226-2.mp3
02/26/23 The Wisdom Journey Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 230226-1.mp3
02/19/23 Three Counting Kings Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 230219-1.mp3
02/12/23 Choosing Matthias Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 120223-1.mp3
02/05/23 John's Jarring Juxtapositions Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 050223-2.mp3
01/29/23 A Name Better than Riches Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 290123-2.mp3
01/29/23 The Purpose of Proverbs Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 290123-1.mp3
01/22/23 God's Providential Care Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 220123-1.mp3
01/15/23 Jesus is the End of the Law Karl Anderson N/A Sunday AM Worship 150123-1.mp3
01/15/23 Psalm 16 Speaks Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 150123-2.mp3
01/08/23 The Pantomime Prophets Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 230108_-_1.mp3
01/01/23 1 John 3:11-24 The Message from the Beginning Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 230101-2.mp3
01/01/23 Joshua 24:14-15 I Am Resolved Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 230101-1.mp3
12/25/22 The Free Gift of God Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221225_T_Wise_Mor.mp3
12/18/22 Acts 2:42-47 Day by Day Church Growth Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221218_-_T_Wise_Mor.mp3
12/11/22 2 Timothy 3:16-17 God Breathed Scripture Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 221211_-_T_Wise_Eve.mp3
12/11/22 2 Timothy: The Last Testament of Paul Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221211_-_T_Wise_Mor.mp3
12/04/22 The Conspicuousness of Works Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 221204_T_Wise_Eve.mp3
12/04/22 1 Timothy: Equipping the Saints Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221204_T_Wise_Mor.mp3
11/27/22 The Right Time for Words Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221127_T_Wise_Mor.mp3
11/20/22 The Mustard Seed Kingdom Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 221120_T_Wise_Eve.mp3
11/20/22 Grateful Living Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221120_T_Wise_Mor.mp3
11/13/22 1 John 2:28-3:10 The Benefit of Knowing Travis Wise N/A Sunday PM Worship 221113_T_Wise_Eve.mp3
11/13/22 Revelations of Glory Travis Wise N/A Sunday AM Worship 221113_T_Wise_Mor.mp3

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