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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
11/29/20 Zechariah 4 - By The Spirit of God Harper Flores Sermon Zechariah Sunday AM Worship 201129-1.mp3
11/25/20 Revelation 7 Harper Flores Bible Study Revelation Wednesday Bible Study 201125-W.mp3
11/22/20 Revelation 6:9-17 Harper Flores Bible Study Revelation Sunday Bible Study 201122-2.mp3
11/22/20 Judge With Righteous Judgement Ben Wilson Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 201122-1.mp3
11/18/20 Revelation 5:5-6:8 Harper Flores Bible Study Revelation Wednesday Bible Study 201118-W.mp3
11/15/20 Hearers and Doers Travis Wise Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship 201115-2.mp3
11/15/20 Temptations of Jesus Travis Wise Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 201115-1.mp3
11/11/20 Revelation 4:1-5:4 Harper Flores Bible Study Revelation Wednesday Bible Study 201111-W.mp3
11/08/20 Revelation 3:14-22 Karl Anderson Bible Study Revelation Sunday Bible Study 201108-2.mp3
11/08/20 Hope Part 1 Karl Anderson Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 201108-1.mp3
11/04/20 Revelation 3:1-13 Karl Anderson Bible Study Revelation Wednesday Bible Study 201104-W.mp3
11/01/20 Revelation 2:12-29 Karl Anderson Bible Study Revelation Sunday Bible Study 201101-2.mp3
11/01/20 Zechariah 3 - Made Clean from Filthy Sin Harper Flores Sermon Zechariah Sunday AM Worship 201102-1.mp3
10/25/20 Where Does Your Allegiance Lie Michael Anderson Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship 201025-3.mp3
10/25/20 Revelation 1 Harper Flores Bible Study Revelation Sunday Bible Study 201025-2.mp3
10/25/20 Things Written for Our Instruction Ben Wilson Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 201025-1.mp3
10/21/20 Revelation Introduction Harper Flores Bible Study Revelation Wednesday Bible Study 201021-W.mp3
10/18/20 Parable of the Mustard Seed JR Rosado Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship 201018-3.mp3
10/18/20 1 John - Know God JR Rosado Bible Study N/A Sunday Bible Study 201018-2.mp3
10/18/20 Be Anxious For Nothing JR Rosado Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship 201018-1.mp3
10/17/20 Patience JR Rosado Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 201017-S2.mp3
10/17/20 Being Part of the Local Church JR Rosado Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 201017-S1.mp3
10/16/20 The Ten Commandments JR Rosado Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 201016-F.mp3
10/14/20 Daniel 12 Harper Flores Bible Study Daniel Wednesday Bible Study 201014-W.mp3
10/11/20 Living for Eternity Robert Deleon Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship 201011-2.mp3

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